
Home “Alone” - Cyber Beware

The covid-19 pandemic has forced parents to stay home alone with their kids. Families the world over are now spending more time on the internet - working from home and taking online classes. As a result of this increased online activity, parents and their kids now also face an increased risk of cyber-criminal activity. These range from fraudulent job offers, online grooming, ransom style attacks, and other digital viruses.  Is there a digital face mask that can help protect you and your kids? Come join our home “alone” cyber awareness webinar to learn about cyber hygiene practices to protect yourself and your families at home.


Cyber Tricks and Treats - The “Gifts” that keep on giving

Tricks used by cyber criminals can be unpredictable and disruptive. As technology evolves, so do these techniques (tricks), which can lead to unexpected consequences and risks.

Join us as we learn about these tricks, their “treats”, and why some of the “gifts” they leave behind keep on giving. You might be trick-or-treating with a cybercriminal soon and you’ll want to know what they have up their sleeves. Request a speaker


Mission Impossible – So Many Risks, So Little Time

Emerging risks can be unpredictable and disruptive. Fifth Generation 5G mobile communications, extended reality, smart speakers, artificial intelligence, drones all offer incredible benefits but they also come with unexpected risks. These are truly the unpredictable unknowns. Anticipating these blind spots can appear impossible in light of the accelerated pace of technology innovations.  In this session, you’ll Learn about emerging risks and discover strategies to address them. Request a speaker


Defending Against the Invisible Risk With Artificial Intelligence

Cyber threats are everywhere. It is challenging enough to stay ahead of the criminals when they utilize known methods and attack vectors. What happens when you can’t see the attack? How do you defend your organization against the unknown threat? Join us to discover how artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning can help you gain visibility and mitigate risk. You’ll learn how to tip the security odds in your favor and strengthen your defenses, before threat actors themselves begin to employ AI-based tools in their attack strategies. Request a speaker


Gone in 60 Seconds - The Bad, The Really Bad and The Ugly

Cyber attacks can happen very fast and can have varying degrees of impact. Threat actors continue to evolve the tactics and techniques they use in doing bad things. Explore surprising and interesting tactics used by mobile and IoT threats as well as malware mutations that are Ugly. This session describes how to keep up with these ever-changing threats and how to strengthen your defenses against them. Request a speaker