Educational Training Services


Executive Workshops

Omega316 executive workshops offer busy executives the opportunity to gain meaningful and relevant insight about the business implication of new and emerging cyber security landscape. This includes both cyber risks as well as technology innovations for risk mitigation. These workshops typically last between 1-2hrs depending on specific clients’ needs. The list of currently available workshops is shown below:

  • Cyber Risks and Threats
  • Cyber Strategy – Looking Ahead
  • Board Room Briefing
  • Business Leaders and Cyber Risk


educational Workshops

Educational workshops are customized, interactive 4 hour sessions designed to engage attendees in the foundational concepts of a specific topic of interest. These topics range from broad industry innovation sessions to specific cyber domain sessions. Through the effective use of the Socratic method of teaching, our consultants and instructors provide attendees with an engaging experience. Attendees will also be introduced to the unique concept of power sessions, a key learning accelerator to gain applied knowledge. The list of currently available workshops is shown below:

  • Artificial Intelligence - Machine Learning in Cyber Security
  • Cyber Table Top - Red vs Blue Team
  • Next-Gen Security Operations Center (SOC) Strategy
  • Mobile Device Security
  • Cyber Threat Techniques and Capabilities


Technical Training

Building in-house cyber security talent is one of the most effective approaches to getting the right cyber resources. It offers the greatest benefits in comparison to hiring expensive talent and also serves to grow existing cyber resources. In-house training has a shorter learning curve since individuals are already ingrained in the culture of the organization and thus provides faster Time To Results (TTR). It does however require a series of applied, and in many cases, customized training courses that will transform and develop existing employees with relevant background, experience and expertise into cyber security professionals. Below are some of the Omega316 technical training classes available:

  • Malware Analysis
  • Network Forensics
  • Threat Detection
  • Penetration Testing