Omega316: What We Do

Our objective is to empower our clients and help them ramp up on understanding new and evolving cyber risks, threats and industry solutions.

Omega316 focuses solely on cyber security and provides cyber security consulting services and talent development programs. We believe in developing the cyber capabilities of our clients through consulting and training services.

We believe that understanding cyber risk and cyber security principles is a fundamental need for key business members of an organization and not just restricted to IT but extends to other departments within an organization.


Why Does Omega316 Exist?

  • To help organizations with their cyber security challenges

  • To help develop cyber security talent in a strategic and effective way

  • To extend cyber security skills and knowledge to those new to the field.

  • To actionably educate business leaders on cyber risk and its business implications

    • By actionably educate, we mean helping leaders learn through an applied understanding that inspires meaningful action


The Cyber Security Education Challenge


Proactive and intentional education for business leaders and board members on cyber security is limited. Such education is required and is helpful because it informs accelerated business decisions with acceptable risk strategies. 

There's a constant need for cyber security training as threat capabilities evolve. This requires content customization on a regular basis, which can be tedious


There are teachers and there are those who teach. Those who teach, inspire.

Adapted from Simon Sinek (Start With Why)



The Heart of Who We Are - The Omega316 Triangle

Character: Trustworthy character to choose to do the right things, the right way, at the right time and for the right reasons

Service: Humbly maintaining a servant’s heart in all we do

Others: Inspiring and encouraging others to success